deVere-sponsored Crolla-trained Rhiannon Dixon is women’s boxing history-maker of future

Pharmacist turned professional boxer Rhiannon Dixon has been labelled one of “the brightest stars of her generation” in women’s boxing after winning the Commonwealth lightweight title in Liverpool on Saturday night.

Anthony Crolla-trained, deVere Group-sponsored Dixon won the belt at the M&S Arena by wheeling out some brutal body shots against her opponent Vicky Wilkinson.

“Her footwork, accuracy and variation of punches were impressive, as was her ring craft and the discipline she showed in keeping to structure, shape and general fight plan,” writes The Warrington Guardian.

Saturday’s win took her professional record to seven wins from seven bouts and was Crolla’s first win as a trainer.

Her success means more major contests are now in the pipeline for Dixon, whose performance has been noticeably honed since training with Crolla and having the backing since January of deVere Group, one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory, asset management and fintech organisations.

“I’m so honoured and grateful to have the backing of an amazing company like deVere Group! Their support has helped me claim my first title as a professional, and this weekend I became the new commonwealth lightweight champion,” says Dixon.

“I cannot thank deVere enough for their continued sponsorship as I chase my dreams and progress as a professional boxer to win more titles.”

Of the partnership with Rhiannon Dixon, deVere Group’s regional and investment director, James Green, comments: “Inside and outside our organisation, we’re always proud to support hard-working emerging talent.

“Rhiannon embodies resilience, determination, focus and discipline.

“She’s unquestionably one of the brightest stars of her generation in women’s boxing, and we’re incredibly proud of her.”

deVere Group, which has a global presence and more than $12bn under advisement, confirmed early this year it is to sponsor and work alongside three young British boxers throughout 2023: Jack Catterall, Laura Pain and Rhiannon Dixon.

James Green said teaming up with these highly promising “world champions of the future” is a “win-win scenario” for the boxers and boxing, and aspiring financial advisers and the industry.

“These partnerships, which involve financial sponsorship, mentoring and promotion of some of the brightest boxing talent, showcase our unshakable commitment to helping young people fulfil their maximum potential.

“It underscores that as a company, we’re fully invested in shining a spotlight on nurturing young talent to become the best they can be.”

He concludes: “Rhiannon Dixon not only has the talent, but the grit, drive and commitment, to become a multiple-time champion, record-breaker, and history-maker.”

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